Welcome to the new and improved ZCCR Web Site!

If you are reading this then I am sure you have noticed that our beloved ZCCR web site has changed!  For the better of course!  We have strived to make this new site user friendly, informative and interactive.  We welcome suggestions from our members/users regarding improvements or changes.  Just click on the following link and let us know what you think, like, dislike, hate etc : CONTACT

To get started just click on the Register link on the lower left hand side of the page.  Make sure you enter a valid e-mail address, your desired username, password and all other fields listed with an “*”.  You will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link.  Click on this link to verify your registration.   Once you have verified your registration the site administrator will review your request for registration and approve it.   The process may take a day but, without these checks and balances our site would not be able to provide any features.  Once approved you will receive an e-mail with your username and the password you created.  You can change/update your password and personal info after login via the “Dashboard” link in the drop down menu at the top left of the site (Menu heading labeled “Z Car Club Of Rochester”)

Once registered and verified, you will have access to all of the new features such as:

  • Post in the forums
  • Add pics of your ride
  • Submit classified ads

You DO NOT have to be a Z Car Club of Rochester member to become a subscriber to this site.  We welcome any interested in Z-Cars or just anything automotive in general to sign up and participate in our forums, post classified adds etc.   Just keep in mind that our site is very Z-Centric.  Our moderators will use their discretion when it comes to anything deemed inappropriate or not applicable to our user’s interests (such as SPAM!)  That said, please take a moment to go over our “Zccr.net Code of Conduct” page.

Please feel free to send us any questions or alert us to any problems you may have with the site.  Just click on the following link: CONTACT